image That’s the sensation every Spyderco fan knows all too well. * Goosebumps* for what most in the knife community know as one of the top production knife manufacturers. Fan favorite is an understatement. This brand has new and old collectors dangling from its web on a consistent basis, as its popularity continues to gain a respectable edge over its competitors butterflies included. ( Benchmade)

Syderco is the knife novice gateway drug. With great shapes, colors, and downright sex appeal, you will be left guessing just how deep the spidey hole actually spirals. They will gain complements from non-knife guys left and right when you carry them, because they just look that damn good. That being said they may also be the biggest bang for your buck.

Her’s a list of 5 great Spydrco knives with prices:

Delica 4 $60

Dragonfly $65

Tenacious $40

Manix 2 $70

Paramilitary 2 $125

That is just to name a few of the more popular choices. With my favorite being the Techno, a short and stocky titanium frame lock that has great function and design all rolled into a compact package. While Spyderco’s best kept budget secret might just be the Tenacious’ little brother the Persistence. It’s a bit smaller in size and It comes in under $35. In my opinion a better EDC, as I am a small knife guy. Following the mantra of THE LATE BOY SCOUT edc or edc plus on knife sizes. What a great concept. Check out his channel on Youtube.

So it may sound bad, but looks do and will always matter. Function, utility, price are all great points, but if the knife isn’t aesthetically pleasing then you’re not buying it. That’s why we collect and carry them honestly. The cool factor has to be there to enjoy and share with our knife friends. So if you get a chance do yourself a favor and get bit by the Spyderco bug your Instagram will thank you for it.

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